Partners who have decided it is time to make a lifetime commitment often look forward to their wedding day with a sense of anticipation. They want to share their happiness with the entire world, but they generally cut the guest list down to a reasonable amount. Each of them has realized they have compatible goals in life, so they have decided it is best for them to work on those goals as a team. While many people might never have a doubt at all, getting cold feet just before the big day is a normal way to feel.

Making the choice to marry another person is a binding commitment that has legal consequences, but it is also an emotional one. If something goes wrong along the way, there is a loving partner for support. People making this type of commitment might wonder if their partner is able to be there when things go wrong, some of them will be concerned they have settled, and others will simply be terrified of making a commitment that is for the rest of their life.


Facing the Altar

Social anxiety is a problem for some people, and those getting married might find it is interfering with their plan to meet at the front...



The Role of Parents

When two people choose to make a major commitment to each other, their families are generally very involved. They will be sharing their lives with...



The Wedding Jitters

Planning a large event can be the thrill of a lifetime for some, but others find it to be a time when everything gets on...



A Big Commitment

Young people tend to enter into relationships without pause, but marriage is a big commitment. It is a pledge to go through life with another...



The Right Partner

By the time a person is in a relationship serious enough to consider marriage, they have often dates many different people. Some of those relationships...



Meeting the Expectations of Others

Getting married is still a big deal for most couples, and many of them spend months planning their special day. They might want a live...



A Supportive Partner

There are some people who look forward to a large wedding with all their friends and family gathered, but others envision a small wedding with...



Alone at the Altar

There are times when a person realizes just before the wedding ceremony that they could be making the biggest mistake of their life, so they...



The Choice to Elope

When two people decide to get married, their wedding day should be about sharing their happiness with those they love. Too many times the families...


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